Our land

Navaridas, our village, is on the heart of Rioja alavesa's municipalities. Lands are limestone and rigorously unirrigated.

Our property is divided into three different villages: Laguardia, Elciego and Navaridas. It is in this last one where we have the majority of our vineyards.

the grape

The vineyard age is divided in the following way : 6 hectares( 1 hectare=2471 acres) are between 3 and 25 years old; 14 hectares are between 50 and 100 years of age. There are no more vineyards in the zone of the last age mentioned and thus, the great quality of our wines. The grape varieties we use for wine producing are "tempranillo"(98%) and others(2%).

The harvest

Our vineyards growing and the subsequent wine producing need a slow process that lasts a whole year. Throughout this year, concrete labours of each season are done in order to produce the very best of our vineyards and thus, produce a good wine.


C/ Mayor, 1
01309 NAVARIDAS (Alava)
Tfno.: 945 60 50 32
Tfnp.: 600 44 27 19